Setting Up the Faders File: --------------------------- The second file that must be added to the project folder is one called "faders.txt". The faders.txt file contains volume automation, pan, polarity, and all effect settings. (Please note there is a fader generator program that will make this file for you based on how many tracks and effects you need). The first line of this file will be read as the name for your mix (the .wav extension will be added automatically). A line in this file usually starts with a key word that tells the program what sort of data comes next. All data that follows must be separated by the tab key "p" is for a pan setting. "t" is for a time entry. "v" is for a volume entry. "pol" is for polarity. It is required to enter the time of 0 and some initial volumes (see next section). Start a line with "t" for a time entry, tab to the next position, the minute position and enter "0", tab to the next position, the time in seconds position and enter a "0", tab to the next position, the millisecond position and enter a "0". Any lines of volume data that follow will set the initial levels for the channels/tracks, the conditions at time zero. For example, t 0 0 0 indicates the start of the song. You may also choose to work in measures, beats, and ticks. See the Tempo Map section for details. Any time entries placed out of sequential order will be ignored. Also, there is no need to keep seconds below 60 or milliseconds below 1000. They simply all get added together to determine the corresponding sample position. So, in theory you could have an entry at 1 minute, 75 seconds, and 1200 msec. You may also use fractions of a minute, sec, or msec in their fields. The polarity of a track may be reversed by entering "pol" then tab then a channel number then tab then "-1". Please note! You may in fact write all sorts of useful text (or a letter to your grandma) such as instrument names or part names without affecting the mixer because unless you start a line with a known command, it will be skipped over. As of version 1.5 all spaces will be removed since they can interfere with a command being read. So, an underscore is recommended instead of a space. So feel free to write something like the following: bass_guitar_data: or 2nd_chorus: