Volume Automation: ------------------ All tracks (except the master output) must have a volume entry at the start of the song. For several tracks, a volume of "-6" (-6 dBFS) might be a good starting point just to hear what you're working with. For a dozen or more tracks a volume of "-18" (-18 dBFS) might be a good start. To enter volume data (a fader level) for a track, start a line with a "v". Tab to the next position and enter in a channel number. Tab to the next position and enter a value between -48 and +12. You do not need to enter "dB." For example, v 2 -14 means set the volume of track 2 to the value of -14 dB. A value of 0 is the volume the source file is read at. In other words, no change happens to the level of the file from source to output when set to 0. When you are ready to enter a new volume entry, for example at the first chorus, you must first enter a line that gives the time at which the volume change should happen. Again the order is "t" to indicate time information will follow, then minutes, seconds, and milliseconds all tab separated. For example, t 1 30 500 v 1 -8.4 v 2 -10.1 means at the time of 1 min, 30 sec, and 500 milliseconds transition the volume of channel 1 to -8.4 dB and channel 2 to -10.1 dB. The program automatically calculates a quick transition to the new volume, taking longer to make a big transition. To manually set the length of the fade and shape see the "Volume Automation Advanced" section. You only need to enter volume information for channels that are changing in level. All other channels keep the same value until "notified." If several volume changes are happening at the same time point then only one time entry needs to be entered for all the volume entries that follow (as shown above). Entering Volumes as Percents: ----------------------------- Instead of entering volumes in decibels you can use percents. 100 percent is the same as 0 dB or no change. 50 percent is -6.02 dB or half as loud. To use percent add "v=percent" without the quotes to a new line in the prefs.txt file. Setting channel 2 volume to 75 percent would look like the following: v 2 75 Note that using this mode also affects compressor thresholds, and reverb send and returns which will now all expect percent values. EQ's are not affected. Changing the Time Fields: ------------------------- Beginning in version 1.0991 you may change the number of time fields from the default of 3 to either 2 or 1. With 3 fields, you are required to enter a value for minutes, seconds, and milliseconds even if the value is 0. To speed up workflow you can use 2 time fields which would be minutes and seconds. Keep in mind that seconds can be a decimal number which naturally incorporates milliseconds in the decimal. And when using just 1 time field, the value would be in seconds. Here's how to express a time value in the three ways for an entry at 0 minutes, 5 seconds, and 300 milliseconds: With 3 fields: t 0 5 300 With 2 fields: t 0 5.300 or simply, t 0 5.3 With 1 field: t 5.300 To set the number of time fields, in the prefs.txt file begin a line with "tfields", then tab, and then a value of 1 or 2. Otherwise, 3 will be used. Although not as practical, the fields also apply when working in bars, beats and ticks. Two fields would be for bars and beats. One field would be for beats only. Master Fader Volume Automation: ------------------------------- Beginning with version 1.06 you may automate the master fader just like any other channel. Instead of using a channel number, use "M". You will need to set an initially volume as you do for all other channels: t 0 0 0 v M 0 The intent of this fader is not for setting a single volume for the whole song. It is meant for when you need to make multiple changes to the volume of the mix as a whole throughout the song. Or, for making fade ins or fade outs, anywhere where you need automation of the whole mix. The master fader automation occurs before the master effects in order to make possible less compression and limiting of the output track. If you do not need to automate the master volume and just need one overall adjustment use the trimming function instead (below). Trimming the Volume: -------------------- If you are not using a master fader, a master fader type of manipulation of the volume can be achieved with either the scale or master trim (mtrim) function. These may be used to compensate for having set all your channel volumes too low or too high, but you wish to preserve all their relative levels. When using scale, all the volumes in your fader file will get scaled by this amount. Start a line with "scale" then tab and then enter a number. If the number is 2, for example, then all volumes settings on all channels will be doubled by 6.02 dB. If you would rather use decibels directly then use mtrim and enter your value in +/- dB. If you wish to trim only certain channel volumes then the trim function is used. Enter "trim", then tab, then channel number, then tab, then the amount as mentioned above. Scale, trim, and mtrim functions may all appear together in the fader file. However, for your own clarity choose either mtrim or scale since they perform the same task. Suppose you wish to bring up the vocal track on channel 4 by 1 dB relative to all its current levels. But, overall you would like all the channel volumes increased by 6.02 dB. (The vocals would be increased by 7 dB overall.) You would enter the following: trim 4 1 mtrim 6.02 Or you could enter trim 4 1 scale 2 Please note that master trim (mtrim) and scale do not affect subgroups or the master fader volumes, only the channels feeding them. To change master fader levels or subgroup levels use the trim function (trim). To increase all you master fader settings by 3 dB you would enter the following: trim M 3 To increase all submix 1 volume settings by 3 dB you would enter this: trim G 1 3 See also the section on effects makeup gain to compensate for volume changes from effects. Please note, when trimming the fader volumes it is possible to end up with a fader setting above +12 dB after the the timming has been applied. In such a case, the track will be muted as a precaution. While this will be printed to the console, it is recommed that you check all track output levels for muting after a trimming. Also, you should always check for signals over 0 dBFS and reduce the trim. In fact, this is the other use of the trim and mtrim, to make a mix that is too close to 0 dBFS at a safer level.