Submixing (internal): --------------------- Version 1.07 introduces up to 8 stereo internal submixes or groups. This allows you to assign all your drum tracks, for example, to a single stereo mix and apply EQ or compression or automate their volume as a whole before it reaches the main mix. To assign channels to a submix group, in the faders.txt file use the command "sub". Then tab, then the submix number (1-8), then tab, and then a list of the channels to assign to the submix separated by commas. For example, assigning channels 1-5 to submix 1 would be done as follows: sub 1 1,2,3,4,5 In making the assignment, channels can be in any order. You can also assign the same channel to multiple submixes, such as channel 1 here: sub 1 1,2,3 sub 2 1,4,5 If a channel is not assigned to a submix it will automatically be assigned to the master output. On the other hand, if you assign channel 1, for example, to a submix it will no longer be routed to the master output directly. But, you can force it to also be routed to the master if you wish by assigning it to sub number 0. In the faders.txt file, a submix can be muted with the command "submu", followed by tab and the submix number. A submix can be soloed by the command "subso" followed by tab and the submix number. You can solo multiple submixes at the same time. It is crucial to set an initial volume, just like you do with channels, for the submixes. Whether adding effects or manipulating volume, you do everything the same as you would for a regular channel except add a "G" and a tab before you enter the channel or in this case submix/group number. For example, t 0 0 0 v G 1 -6 This sets the the group or submix 1 to a volume of -6 dB at time zero. Or, to place a 200 Hz high pass filter on submix 1: hp G 1 200 Note, because adding the "G" creates an extra tab field, it may detract visually when intermingled with regular channel volumes. There are two alternatives: One is to put all submix volumes in a different part of the faders.txt file with their own time settings. The other is to use the submix channel numbers directly without the "G" field. The submix channel numbers begin after regular channel numbers (1-127). Submix channels are 127-135. So, you could set submix 1's volume to -8 dB in the following way v 128 -8 Submixing (external): --------------------- You may ask the program to look for a different track list and fader file besides the default "faders.txt" and "tracks.txt." You can just put your drum tracks in a separate track list and call it drums.txt, for example. Plus make a file for the drums faders/effects called dfaders.txt, for example. When you run Mixer4 from the command line you would enter these file names in this order: mixer4 drums.txt dfaders.txt This will result in a mix with a file name that you picked in the dfades.txt file, let's say it's "drumsub." Let's suppose you do something similar for guitars and get a mix file called "gtrsub." Now you simply combine the submixes with one additional fader file and track list. During this final summation you may of course apply more processing to "drumsub" and "gtrsub." This process is not particularly time consuming because each submix will go quite quickly because there are fewer tracks than if you had mixed all the song's tracks at once. Also, if using the power of a script you can do everything in one command! Your operating system should allocate each mix to its own core which will additional speed up the mix time. You may find the biggest bottleneck in terms of speed is disk read and write time. Therefore, it may be even more efficient to have different submix source tracks being accessed from different hard drives. Note that beginning in version 19c you may enter an alternate name for the faders.txt file as the 3rd command line argument. For example, mixer4 drums.txt dfaders.txt dprefs.txt