Hdrfix 1.01 ----------- by Grekim Jennings Hdrfix is a header fixer for wavefiles. It is to be used to correct the header's value for the length of the data (audio) portion of the file. This can happen, for example, if the header is written before the audio data is written and the recording was stopped before intended. If the header is of the correct length then nothing will be done. This program has not been tested on broadcast wavefiles. Run the program in the command line in either of 2 ways (Version 1.00 only supports the first way): To check and fix one wavefile, simply enter the wavefile name as the command line argument. For example, hdrfix_32bit guitar.wav To check many wavefiles (512 max in one batch), use 2 command line arguments: The first is a text file containing your list of wavefiles, with each on a separate line. Nothing else should be in this file. The second argument is the name of the directory containing the wavefiles. Include the slash after the directory name. For example, hdrfix_32bit mylist.txt Wavefiles/ A simple way to generate the list of wavefiles is to place the wavefiles in one folder such as 'Wavefiles'. Then in the parent directory type: ls Wavefiles > mylist.txt